Saturday, May 16, 2020

Romanticism In William Blakes London - 722 Words

Romanticism challenges and exploits the realities of life utilizing subjective comparison between opposites, religious nature, and idealism. Although William Blake is considered to be one of the founders of Romantic poetry, pieces such as â€Å"London† deviate from the conventional characteristics associated with this genre. Ironic to generic Romanticism, London hardly idealizes the horrific truth of society in industrialized urban life. However, Blake’s lack of rhapsody does manifest the social and political climate occurring at the time when Romanticism was flourishing. The term â€Å"romantic† conjects images of physical inflated love and optimism. In distinction, the Romantic movement in not only poetry, but art and music is based on the†¦show more content†¦Additionally, his repetition of hard sounding R words such as â€Å"charter’d† (Blake) and â€Å"mark† (Blake) reinforces the harshness and chaos of this city. It is evident to discern the parallels of Blake’s real reshaping society to the version he constructed in â€Å"London†. Like many of the Romantics, they emerged during a time of although revolutionary for some, was oppressive to many others. To combat this truth, they unmasked the struggle of the common people through poetry. Blake was able to disclose the pains of every corrupt â€Å"institution† in a cohesive way which combines the innocence of childhood to the experience of adulthood. The oxymoron of a â€Å"youthful harlot† (Blake) to that of a â€Å"marriage hearse† (Blake) are normally things one would not commingle. Thus, these contradictions only emphasize the unvarnished truth of these common men lives. In contrast to the defining aspects of Romanticism, â€Å"London† digresses in discernable ways. To romanticize in terms of poetry, is to implicitly veil reality through the use of idealization. Therefore, it was common to paint an abstract portrait rather than to blatantly state. 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